Sunday, October 12, 2008


Not even toilets are the same all over the world. The sit-down toilet is a [lazy] Western invention. The rest of the world, when actually using a toilet and not the road in front of my window (like half the men of Chittagong seem to do), uses . . . The Squatty Potty!

Here's the one in my apartment:

And an educational video:

I've yet to see one that flushes, although I'm told they exist. The squatty potty runs on a BYOTP (Bring Your Own Toilet Paper) basis. The majority of the world, having not grown up with toilet paper, uses the left hand and a bucket of water (usually provided nearby). That's where the eat-only-with-your-right-hand custom originates.

There are pros and cons to the Squatty Potty. It's far more environmentally friendly (no TP, very little water) and it strengthens the thighs! As for negatives, can anyone say Hepatitis A? It's spread through feces. There's no way to wash your [left] hand at many of these toilets, so they're probably a major contributor to the increased presence of the disease abroad.

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