Friday, September 12, 2008

B-Desh Fun Fact

Here at the Access Academy is, undoubtedly, the fastest internet connection in Chittagong. Yet its difficult to Skype, and it takes forever to download attachments or load videos. The internet is s-l-o-w.

When I decided to move to a developing country, I wasn't counting on having great internet access, or any internet access for that matter. But its the reason behind the slow internet...

Years ago, "they" were installing the fiber-optic cables all over Asia. These cables laid the groundwork for fast internet connections all throughout the continent.

When approached with the offer to install these cables, Bangladeshi officials apparently were horrified and rejected the offer. They thought it was a terrorist plot.

So now we have internet, but its very slow, and very very expensive. Who knows if this is true. But I don't care; its funny!

1 comment:

  1. I'm just glad you have electricity! I still don't know if you have cows/milk/ice cubes. These are important basics to me.

    Aunt Jean


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