Monday, January 5, 2009

Only Away from Home

I like to have one "Wow, I'm definitely in a different country" moment every day.

Yesterday's moment, however, wins:

I went to the Indian Embassy to pick up my visa. Walked through 'security'. The man asked to look in my bag. He opened all the compartments, and pulled out a tampon (which, as you know, they don't have in this part of the world). He held it in my face.

"WHAT is this?? WHAT is this for??"

"Um...medical purposes??"



"You cannot take these in here. I have to keep your bag."

We argued for a little then I let him keep it.

So, he kept my bag, with the tampons, while I was in the embassy. I came back, retrieved my bag, sans one. He kept a tampon!!!!!! I hope he Googles Tampax and blushes for a week.

1 comment:

  1. LMAO.. o MY Allah!! .. how can there be zero comments on this... HEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHE.. fantastik


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